Movement for direct democracy
About us
Formally established on February 22nd 2001 in Brno, Czech Republic.
The movement strives for the legalization of citizen initiative and binding referendum in Czech Republic.
In pursuing the promotion of methods of direct democracy, the movement cooperates with similar movements and groups in Europe and the world.
We demand that
- the Constitution of Czech Republic be changed so that the citizens be endowed with decisive power by means of methods of direct democracy
(see Citizens´ Constitution Draft - DOC file) - the law concerning local (communal) referendum be simplified and radically reformed, so that by their vote, the citizens be able to decide on everything that is subject to decision-making by their representatives
- the voting system and the Constitution of Czech Republic be changed so as to empower the voters to recall at any moment their parliamentary representatives
- the same principles be established on the level of the EU as well
Where the quality of democracy is concerned, we are aware of theimportance of the mass media and the concentration of economic power. Therefore, we consider the above demands only as a partial, although very important, component of efforts to achieve a democratization of theexisting social system.
We believe that mehods of direct democracy will be conducive to ahumanization of society and the strengthening of human solidarity, as well as to ecologically benign behavior.
Without direct democracy, long-term sustainable development is not possible!
*** See Statutes of the Movement for Direct Democracy***
An EU constitution can only be adopted by referenda in all countries concerned!
That is one of the main demands of the European Referendum Campaign which is organised and coordinated by democracy international. To realise this campaign we are looking for supporters and partners in all European Countries. To learn more about the background and the urgency of our request please go
Movement for Direct Democracy developed for a broad discussion Basic thesis for the Law on General Referendum
see the link
Basic thesis for the Law on General Referendum
Hot news: 19. 9. 2014
HzPD has become a member of an open coalition of more than 240 organizations from all over Europe which is in on ECI (European Citizens’ Initiative) Stop TTIP. In general, ECI is an EU institute providing citizens possibility addressing EuropeanCommission with proposals of legal acts. The ECI in question, Stop TTIP, demands suspending negotiations regarding TTIP treatment between USA and EU and refusing the similar agreement with Canada – CETA. The main reason for refusing the treatments is their undemocratic character. These treatments put not elected arbitral committees above democratically elected national parliaments and governments.
European Commission has refusedto register the Stop TTIP ECI. HzPD will, in cooperation with organizers of the ECI, take part of protests against such undemocratic methods of EC.
Jiří Matuszek: